A postcard shot of the San Francisco skyline.

"Matrix Resurrections" Tour of San Francisco

参观期待已久的动作大片三部曲的续集, 矩阵, 在贝博体彩app.

It feels right that one of the biggest, 最大胆的, 以及历史上最具创新性的电影系列将在贝博体彩app重返银幕. 

Premiering in December 2021, 黑客帝国的复活 was one of the most anticipated movies of the year. 生产, 合著, 由最初的联合编剧拉娜·沃卓斯基执导,主演基努·里维斯和凯莉·安妮·莫斯回归, this next installment in the Matrix series promised fans, 这不仅是一次惊险的电影冒险,也是一次美丽的海湾之城之旅, 太.

电影迷们可以跟随尼奥的脚步,进入这个兔子洞,我们根据城市的拍摄地点创建了这个新的自助游. To access a digital map, visit http://bit.ly/MatrixSFTour.

Take the red pill and begin!

Russian Hill and 北海滩

为这次巡演做准备,请收听先锋贝博体彩app乐队Jefferson Airplane广受好评的专辑《贝博体彩app》. 这部电影的预告片中出现了迷幻摇滚歌曲《贝博体彩app》. 杰斐逊飞机在现已解散的贝博体彩app俱乐部开始了它的职业生涯, 矩阵, 在菲尔莫尔街.

The first stop on the 之旅 is from the opening scene of the trailer. Go to Vallejo Street at Jones Street. Take the stairs up and walk to a cul-de-sac, 国家登记俄罗斯山-巴列霍街Crest历史街区的一部分. Enjoy the sweeping view captured in the film, with the Transamerica Pyramid, Salesforce塔, and Bay Bridge starring in the cityscape.

这个历史悠久的地区躲过了1906年地震后的大火,并以其开创性的第一湾区传统房屋和Beaux-艺术街道设计和景观而闻名. 你甚至可以看到电报山著名的野生鹦鹉栖息在这里的树上. After taking in the view, head down the stairs towards Taylor Street. Of note is 1001 Vallejo, the house featured in season two of 的办公自动化.

沿着巴列霍(Vallejo)往东走,走下城市的一个梯田楼梯,蜿蜒穿过一个小型城市公园. Walk four blocks and turn right onto Columbus Avenue. Stroll past San Francisco’s famed 城市的灯光 书店, 1953年,诗人劳伦斯·费林盖蒂和彼得·D. 马丁. It became a legendary gathering spot for The Beat Generation.

很快你就会到达哥伦布大道和卡尼街的交汇处, 哨兵大厦/哥伦布大厦(柯尼街916号)的位置. 这座建于1907年的熨斗建筑覆盖着白色瓷砖和氧化铜,横跨北海滩, 唐人街, and the Financial District. 像电影里的尼奥一样,凝视以48层的泛美金字塔为背景的地标性建筑. 喝一杯吧。 咖啡馆西洋镜, Francis Ford Coppola’s café, on the ground floor of the Sentinel.

唐人街 and the Financial District

下一个, head down Kearny to the nearby 南京之家 (919 Kearny Street) and grab lunch where Neo and Trinity made a stop. Opened in 1988 by Peter and Lily Fang, 这家餐厅以上海菜和厨师为客人点餐而闻名.

Continue walking down Kearny; make a right onto Washington Street and then a left onto Grant Avenue, the commercial center of 唐人街. 贝博体彩app的唐人街——亚洲以外最大的唐人街——是几个场景的发生地, including ones shot on California at Grant and Pine at Grant. 唐人街 is a bustling place to shop, eat, and learn about the 历史 of Chinese immigration to California. 你甚至可以顺便去金门幸运饼干工厂(罗斯巷56号) 之旅. 在格兰特和布什路口到达唐人街的龙门后,左转进入布什街.

下一个, turn right and head to 44 Montgomery, 电影中出现的贝博体彩app市中心高耸的办公楼之一. 然后, head east on Market Street until you reach One Front Street, another building where filming 太k place. Traverse Front Street and turn left onto Pine Street.

Two blocks up at 155 Sansome Street is the City Club of California. The Jazz Era lobby is the setting for a dramatic scene. One block further on Pine, past the grand Stock Exchange Tower, is 乔 & 果汁 (蒙哥马利街235号). 为了电影,乔 & 果汁 was transformed into Neo’s favorite coffee shop, Simulatte. Enjoy an afternoon pick-me-up there. 

沿着Sansome向北走到加利福尼亚街,那里拍摄了许多电影场景. 你可以看到电影中的几座建筑和贝博体彩app最古老的地标建筑.

The landmark Beaux-艺术 Merchants Exchange Building, located at 465 California Street, 包括在电影里吗. 该建筑建于1904年,是1906年地震和随后的火灾中幸存下来的少数建筑之一. 

The modern building at 425 California is also featured in the film. Not far from there is the landmark Bank of California Building. 这座建于1908年的希腊罗马风格的建筑位于加州400号,被称为“加州街的老太太”.” 


Keep walking along California towards the waterfront. 路过著名的 Tadich烧烤它的历史可以追溯到1849年,是“加州最古老的连续经营的餐馆”.“塔迪奇烧烤店现在坐落在这座城市最受欢迎的餐厅旁边, Estiatorio或不 Michael Mina餐厅.

Also appearing in the film is 150 California. 该建筑以330英尺高的玻璃为特色,屋顶有一个尖塔. Follow California east until it reaches Market Street. 参观位于英巴卡德罗的哈利·布里奇斯广场,这是另一个电影拍摄地 渡口. 艺术家、滑板爱好者和其他人聚集在广场上欣赏美景.

Inside the landmark 渡口, sample local Bay Area favorites. 拿一杯 蓝瓶咖啡, Humphry Slocombe ice cream马卡龙来自 Miette,或品尝牡蛎 猪岛牡蛎公司. If the outdoor Farmers Market is open, explore the stalls of fruit, 蔬菜, 花, 草本植物, 肉, 奶酪, and more from small regional farmers and producers.

Once you’re full, walk south to the end of nearby 码头14 for some of the best views of the Bay, 包括电影中天际线镜头中出现的许多地标.


Salesforce塔 (415 Mission Street), the tallest building in the city, appears in skyline scenes in the film. Day for Night by artist Jim Campbell is a dynamic LED installation that circles the crown of the building. Enjoy a visit to the nearby Salesforce 屋顶公园它位于大厅上方70英尺的地方,与四个街区的交通中心一样长. Several nearby intersections can be seen in 黑客帝国的复活, including Fremont and Mission streets.

位于索马市福尔索姆街488号的艾弗里酒店在电影中似乎是尼奥的家. (The bathtub scene in the trailer is the giveaway). 这座56层的玻璃塔是一座豪华住宅建筑,可以欣赏到贝博体彩app湾和城市景观的壮丽景色. 

拍摄也发生在鲍威尔加利福尼亚街和市场街之间. For an iconic San Francisco experience, 从鲍威尔街缆车转运站乘坐缆车,该转运站位于市场街附近,经过联合广场和加利福尼亚街. The cable car ride ends at Fisherman’s Wharf.

For one last "Matrix Moment” take BART to your next destination. A pivotal fight scene in the film takes place at a downtown station.
