我如何看待贝博体彩app:巨人队教练Alyssa Nakken |贝博体彩app旅游-贝博体彩
Alyssa Nakken
Alyssa Nakken是美国职业棒球大联盟历史上第一位全职女教练, 也是第一个在大联盟比赛中担任教练的人.

How I See SF:
Giants Coach Alyssa Nakken

Alyssa Nakken是美国职业棒球大联盟的第一位全职女教练. We asked her what she loves most about San Francisco.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. Knowledgable, passionate, and always ready with a recommendation for what to do, see, or eat, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 "How I See San Francisco" series.

贝博体彩app巨人队是一支历史悠久的球队:威利·梅斯著名的过肩接球, Matt Cain's perfect game, and three World Series titles in a five year span. 当巨人队任命阿丽莎·纳肯为教练组成员时,他们的传奇历史又添了一笔. An outstanding athlete in her own right, 阿丽莎成为美国职业棒球大联盟历史上第一位全职女教练. 在春训开始前,我们找到了艾莉莎,问她最喜欢贝博体彩app的什么.

Describe your perfect day in San Francisco. 

我完美的一天是从在海洋海滩或在琳达玛的太平洋冲浪开始的, followed by hot coffee and homemade breakfast. I love to then take a yoga class at Yoga Beach. 我是一个宅男,所以我非常喜欢下午呆在家里读书或写作. At some point, I’d probably grab a burrito from Hook Fish in the Sunset 在海洋海滩(Ocean beach)的沙丘上欣赏日落——用旅行马克杯盛酒或不盛酒都可以. A perfect day typically ends with me in bed by 9 p.m.


I can go on and on about the Outer Sunset. 我非常喜欢附近各种各样的小企业还有大海和 park are both in close proximity. I’ve also enjoyed exploring North Beach and its amazing food and night life.

你是美国职业棒球大联盟历史上第一位女教练, an inspiration to a lot of aspiring young women. How do you manage those expectations? 

我有一些价值观对我来说是不可协商的,我把它们放在自己身上. I challenge myself daily to stay true to those values. 通过这样做,我不会陷入试图成为另一个我不是的人.

My values are pretty simple. 我必须照顾好自己,从身体和心理健康的角度来控制自己. That includes keeping up with physical fitness, 优先选择能缓解疼痛的运动形式, journaling, meditating, and connecting with others.

I seek out small wins. 我努力定期改善我的习惯和过程,我尽我所能成为最好的队友——为了我们的球员, for our staff, for my husband, and for my family. 

你在棒球界遇到过的最疯狂的迷信是什么? Do you have any of your own? 

我听说过一些有趣的故事,关于玩家在储物柜中可以访问的内容. I don’t really have any superstitions. 我有一些习惯,我想对一些人来说可能会被认为是迷信. [贝博体彩app巨人队三垒教练罗恩]沃图斯和我在比赛前有一个简短的伸展练习,我们会在第一次投球前一起做. 巧合的是,我们在这段时间里推出了一些非常棒的游戏.


I take a walk along the Lands End trail. You’re guaranteed to have your breath taken away; not because it’s too strenuous of a hike, but because the views are magnificent and so inspiring. After some of my toughest days, I’ve found myself on solo, 沿着那条小路静静地走着,给了我重新开始的火花.


A poke burrito from Hook Fish Co.


This is a hard one, 因为我不想让这里太拥挤——但伍兹出站是日落大道上的一个小酒吧,有俱乐部的氛围,供应最好的肉馅卷饼. 他们在后院有一个舒适的火坑,和坐在那里的其他小团体聊天是很有趣的. 它坐落在N犹大的最后一站,是结束海滩一天或开始夜晚的好地方.


早点到院子里,直接到中场去吃一个疯狂的螃蟹三明治. 这样做之后,你的一天会被毁得很惨.

Alyssa Nakken at first base.